How ‘Chewbacca Mom’ Candace Payne is Reimagining the Word “Joy”
Two years ago, an unknown mother of two put on a toy Star Wars mask, let out a laugh, and became a superstar. Her name is Candace Payne, although you may know her as “Chewbacca Mom,” and her viral...
View ArticleThis Ancient Spiritual Practice Can Revive Your Prayer Life
Spiritual writers these days love to talk about encountering God through chance encounters and in unexpected places, and I say hooray for spiritual surprises. But for those of us who live seemingly...
View ArticleHow Brian Zahnd is Reimagining the Word “Cross”
The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is a central event in the Christian gospel narrative, so it makes sense that theologians have debated what the meaning of the cross for centuries. Among Western...
View ArticleWhat Do Americans Think About the Word “Neighbor?”
“Neighbor” is a central term in the vocabulary of faith. Which is why one of Jesus’s most famous teachings is to “love your neighbor as yourself.” But what does the word “neighbor” actually mean, and...
View ArticleIt’s Getting Harder to Talk About God
More than 70 percent of Americans identify as Christian, but you wouldn’t know it from listening to them. An overwhelming majority of people say that they don’t feel comfortable speaking about faith,...
View ArticleA Skeptic’s Guide to Christian Meditation
In November 2004, Christianity Today published an article ominously titled “Dangerous Meditations,” which explored a growing trend among Christians who were finding solace in meditation and yoga. The...
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